Title II-A Professional Development

Professional Development efforts in the Kodiak Island Borough School District aim to provide appropriate learning experiences for all staff members in our learning community. Experiences for certificated employees are based on a three-tier plan that focuses on the needs of new teachers and those who are new to Kodiak, developing teachers, and experienced/advanced practitioners.

Primary activities include district and building level in-service events, a local mentoring and induction program, district-sponsored classes offered through Kodiak College, a wide variety of collaborative meetings held during and beyond the school day, access to web-based professional development, and summer institute experiences.

The needs of classified staff members are also addressed. Paraprofessionals who serve students in classrooms throughout the district receive basic training and have opportunities for extended learning experiences. Secretarial staff training is offered throughout the year.  Substitute teacher training is provided and includes basic instructional strategies and classroom management techniques.  Food service and other certification courses required by the operations staff are also provided as needed.

Professional Development efforts are guided by input from the Certificated Staff Development Committee. This committee is comprised of teacher representatives from many schools in the district and is facilitated by the Director of Instruction. If you would like to join this committee, please call 486-7567.

A committee to guide the professional development plans for classified staff is also being formed and will be under the guidance of the Director of School and Student Services. If you are interested in being a part of this collaborative group, please call 486-7550.

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